LIBER is the voice of Europe’s research library community. Some 450 national, university and other libraries are part of LIBER and our wider network includes goal-oriented partnerships with other organisations in Europe and beyond. LIBER’s aims to help European research libraries to support a functional network across national boundaries in order to ensure the preservation of European cultural heritage, to improve access to collections in European research libraries, and to provide more efficient information services. Enabling Open Science is a major priority for LIBER, including promoting innovative scholarly communication, fostering digital skills and services, and engaging with world-class e-infrastructures.
In the context of SSHOC, LIBER participates in activities related to Communication, Dissemination and Impact, Lifting Technologies and Services into the Cloud, Governance/Sustainability/Quality Assurance, while is the work package leader for Fostering Communities, Empowering Users and Building Expertise.
LIBER operates several working groups that address important areas of work for the research library community. Being a SSHOC partner, LIBER aims at actively engaging its community in the context of the project. It does so by fostering interaction and building expertise, taking into consideration the role of libraries as trainers, but also in supporting and advocating for excellence in research. SSHOC has synergies with the following past and current LIBER working groups:
LIBER Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group - LIBER Europe
LIBER Research Data Management Working Group - LIBER Europe
LIBER Citizen Science Working Group - LIBER Europe
LIBER Data Science in Libraries Working Group - LIBER Europe
Below the efforts in creating and maintaining synergies between SSHOC and the research library community are listed, one of the main stakeholder groups that the project is targeting: