Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) is a project funded by the EU framework programme Horizon 2020 and unites 20 partner organisations and their 27 associates in developing the social sciences and humanities area of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
SSHOC partners include both developing and fully established European Research Infrastructures from the social sciences and humanities, and the association of European research libraries (LIBER). Between them, they have expertise across the entire data cycle from creation and curation to optimal re-use, training and advocacy.
During the 40-month lifespan of the project, (from January 2019 to April 2022) SSHOC will transform the current social sciences & humanities data landscape with its disciplinary silos and separate facilities into an integrated, cloud-based network of interconnected data infrastructures.
To promote synergies and open science initiatives between disciplines, and accelerate interdisciplinary research and collaboration, these data infrastructures will be supported by the tools and training which allow scholars and researchers to access, process, analyse, enrich and compare data across the boundaries of individual repositories or institutions.
SSHOC will continuously monitor ongoing developments in the EOSC so as to conform to the necessary technical and other requirements for making the SSHOC services sustainable beyond the duration of the project.
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