WP 1 - Project Management and Administration
Lead beneficiary: CESSDA ERIC

Contact: Martina Drascic
Work Package 1, focusing on management and administration, entails financial and administrative monitoring of the overall consortium's delivery of the work plan and also efficient and collaborative scientific coordination.
WP1 objectives:
- To ensure day-to-day administrative & financial management of the grant while monitoring consortium members' activities against a set schedule and contractual documents;
- To coordinate partners' efforts and monitor work progress & achievement of project objectives against key indicators;
- To ensure consensus management and develop a spirit of cooperation among partners; To ensure project reporting & interface with the European Commission;
- To ensure the proper separation of finance, reporting, audit, and delivery of project activity from ongoing consortium work;
- To keep the proposal manageable and focused, a two-tier governance should be set up.
The first ring consists of the heads of principal parties and the current ESFRI Landmarks and ESFRI projects leading the work packages: CESSDA, CLARIN, DARIAH, ESS, SHARE and E-RIHS represented by CNR. They are joined by LIBER and TRUST-IT as additional Work package leaders.
The second ring comprises of key-participants of the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud, such as renowned cross-national infrastructures i.e. European Values Studies, Gender and Generations Programme, WageIndicator in the Social Sciences, but also Data Clusters that focus on a range of interrelated and coherent datasets, such as Migration Data, or Election studies.
This approach aligns well with the project aim to cluster activities, and to realise a SSH Cloud that can cover full infrastructural support for the study of social and cultural phenomena, but also keep the project manageable.
WP1 Deliverables & Milestones
WP2 - Communication, Dissemination and Impact
Lead beneficiary: Trust-ITServices

Contact: Marieke Willems
Work Package 2 promotes the innovation and benefits of SSHOC to targeted stakeholders, maximizes visibility, activates end-user communities in strong collaboration with WP6, disseminates results, and demonstrates impact. WP2 builds on an extensive network of European Research Infrastructure Consortia and landmarks in the social sciences and humanities
WP2 objectives:
- Ensure a proper communication and outreach strategy of SSHOC outputs, outreach and stakeholder engagement and subsequently raise awareness to the scientific, industrial and SSH communities;
- Promote and support the organisation of EU-wide dissemination of targeted workshops and concentration actions in Europe as well as webinars and training events, especially on data skills & other training from the project, in close collaboration with WP6;
- Implement and maintain homogeneous design & branding under the SSHOC umbrella of all tools, services and materials delivered, including communication collaterals, online visuals and logos to be used in the promotion of the online Marketplace (WP7);
- Regular social media activities, including engagement with media outlets and journalists, communication via newsletter, press releases, and alike.
The FAIR principles apply for the project's communication, meaning that all communication is conducted in an open and transparent manner.
i) landmarks and emerging ERICs inSSH;
ii) other relevant world class research infrastructures with a European dimension, as well as the SSH research community;
iii) Research funders and Ministries regarding new research priorities to consider;
iv) existing H2020 Projects with an impact on the EOSC;
v) science & data journalists, citizen scientists, open data advocates.
WP2 Deliverables & Milestones
WP3 - Lifting Technologies in the SSH Cloud
Lead beneficiary: CLARIN

Contact: Daan Broeder
Work Package 3 works on developing and operating research services and research infrastructure services that should benefit the broad SSH.
WP3 objectives:
- Development, enhancement and integration of a set of tools and services for managing and processing SSH research data that are central to the communities of use in SSH, based on existing tools and functionalities, and requirements for interoperability.
- Adjustment and enrichment of existing tools and services, making connections (to EOSC-hub) e-infrastructure for the sharing and use of tools and services useful for SSH. This work package concentrates on providing infrastructure and recommendations to improve their usability for the whole SSH domain.
- Leveraging existing FAIRness by supporting better discovery (F) of existing resources, better Accessibility through shared authentication and authorisation services, better Interoperability also through support for multi-linguality, increased Reusability by providing shared vocabularies and ontologies. Special attent
- ion is given to cross-disciplinary use of services e.g. providing language technology for social-sciences and humanities scenarios of use, and providing for example survey creation and analytics technology for language resource acquisition projects.
- The leveraged services should be linked to (preferably cross-community) use-cases to demonstrate usability.
- All developed software are available on GitHub under open software license
WP3 Deliverables & Milestones
WP4 - Innovations in Data Production
Lead beneficiary: ESS ERIC

Contact: Diana Zavala Rojas
Work Package 4 concerns the data creation phase of the data lifecycle and aims to develop, test and share innovative ways of producing data of interest to analysts and policy makers within the Social Sciences and Humanities with which to populate the Open Science Cloud.
WP4 objectives:
- To develop a sample management system which meets the data management and communication needs of high-quality cross-national probability-based online panels; To explore and develop the potential for social surveys to exploit innovations in Computer Assisted Translation;
- To exploit the potential insights to be gained from Computer Assisted Recorded Interviewing through collaboration between survey methodologists and experts in audio analysis;
- To develop and implement a social policy API which can be embedded in social surveys to efficiently collect accurate policy-relevant information at the micro-level across different fields;
- To integrate an innovative web service for the reality-based 3D annotation of heritage artefacts within the SSHOC infrastructure;
- To define a common metalevel schema, the SSHOC Reference Ontology (SSHOCro), to provide a semantic interoperability framework for the description of the SSHOC data life cycle, including both the generation and processing of the data.
The work package also explores innovations in less well-established sources of data such as those in heritage science as well as the linkage of survey data with other forms of data and the repurposing of social science survey data for other disciplines.
WP5 - Innovation in Data Access
Lead beneficiary: CESSDA ERIC

Contact: Vanja Komljenovic
Work Package 5 facilitates innovations in data access and provides tools and services for intelligently open data for the SSH domain to be incorporated into the EOSC cloud.
WP5 objectives:
- Help users to make the actual transition from their current practices to having their data openly accessible, by providing appropriate tools and representative examples;
- Develop and test protocols for data access to biomedical data linked to survey data;
- Provide data repository services for SSH institutions having limited technical resources; Develop a GDPR Code of Conduct for SSH;
- Enhance and extend the infrastructure for secure remote access to research data;
- Use the ESS to pilot how cross-national survey data and metadata can be prepared and provide services for the EOSC;
- Develop examples of making Heritage Science and archaeological data more interoperable and accessible in the SSH.
WP6 - Fostering Communities, Empowering Users, & Building Expertise
Lead beneficiary: LIBER

Contact: Vasso Kalaitzi
Work Package 6 goal is to broaden the SSHOC network of user communities and empower them to a greater level of expertise in utilizing the SSHOC services, tools, data throughout the research lifecycle and according to the FAIR Principles.
WP6 objectives:
- Deliver sound and data-driven engagement and training strategies: by conducting gap analyses on the landscape of communities and training requirements & initiatives.
- Consolidate and harmonize efforts in engagement and training: with emphasis on strategic coordination and synergetic approaches across communities.
- Foster the uptake of SSHOC tools, services, and shared data with emphasis on the FAIR principles: to make sure SSHOC would be serving the broadest possible range of users.
- Empower data producers/users/experts with relevant skills and capabilities: with a coordinated network of training organizations that lift the SSHOC user base to new levels of competencies.
- Establish collaboration with other initiatives: to leverage, “lift to the cloud” and innovate on what has already been developed across Europe.
WP7 - Creating the SSH Open Marketplace
Lead beneficiary: DARIAH ERIC

Contact: Laure Barbot
Work Package 7 aims at building the SSH Open Marketplace. It is an easy-entry place where scholars from the broader SSH domain can find solutions and resources for the digital aspects of their research.
WP7 focuses on the methodical, dynamic aspects of the research process to enable sharing and re-use not just of resources but workflows and methodologies, to promote Open Methods next to Open Data and Open Source.
WP7 objectives:
- Contextualisation: related material like code, data or tutorials is linked, delivering broader context to discovered resources; - serendipity: users can find useful things they weren't even looking for;
- Community: user feedback, comments section, ratings, popularity measures (number of views), establishing something like a "›Stack Overflow‹ for the Digital Humanities";
- Assessment (by editors and the community): to help decide if something is useful for a specific purpose or not;
- Support: users have access to related training material to support their use of tools;
- Gap analysis: what kind of tool doesn't exist yet and should be developed as it would address specific research needs?
WP7 Deliverables & Milestones
WP8 - Governance, Sustainability and Quality Assurance
Lead beneficiary: E-RIHS

Contact: Emiliano Degl’Innocenti
Work Package 8 focuses on design and implementation of efficient strategies for the development and coordination of an appropriate governance model for the SSH part of the EOSC, both federated and inclusive, balancing efficiency and breadth of representation and encompassing different levels.
WP8 objectives:
- To implement a robust model for shared governance, fostering stakeholders involvement and liaising with other strategic initiatives;
- To elaborate a quality-assurance scheme, fostering sustainability and reliability in the processes of management, curation, storage and sharing of SSH and Heritage Science research data;
- To engage with and support data providers and data sources during the certification process;
- To elaborate a common ethical framework for the sharing of different types of public research data, ensuring FAIRness and Openness;
- To foster cross-disciplinarity and allow further development of shared resources at the European level by liaising with other clusters.
WP8 Deliverables & Milestones
WP9 - Data Communities
Lead beneficiary: UNOTT

Contact: Veronika Heider
Work Package 9 adopts a perspective of thematic and (inter)disciplinary user communities and focuses on addressing the challenges that they encounter when attempting to contribute to SSHOC by implementing principles, procedures, tools and services developed in the other WPs.
WP9 objectives:
- Community development and training (in collaboration with WP6), including initiatives to engage communities in a crowd-contributing capacity;
- Development of a variety of use cases;
- Evaluation of the products of other WPs from the perspective of other thematic user communities than the specific ones that lead to their inception.
WP9 Deliverables & Milestones