SSHOC will build the Social Sciences and Humanities part of the European Open Science Cloud. One of the SSHOC project’s core objectives is to foster the transition from the current Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) landscape to a cloud-based infrastructure that will operate according to the FAIR principles, offering access to research data and related services adapted to the needs of the SSH community. Furthermore, the tools, services, repositories and other resources developed and enhanced in SSHOC will be featured in the SSH Open Marketplace.
The SSH European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs) partnering in SSHOC are exploring and enabling collaboration and deeper integration of each other’s infrastructures. One topic that is of relevance for all SSHOC SSH stakeholders is that of managing and using vocabularies. Here we use vocabularies as a general term covering a range of semantic artefacts such as wordlists, taxonomies and thesauri.
The SSH vocabularies are essential for a proper description of resources and phenomena and in SSHOC many tasks are concerned with them. In SSHOC, the SSH Vocabulary Initiative was launched to coordinate related vocabulary activities and investigate, inform and exchange expertise on vocabularies and the platforms that are hosting and managing them.