As defined in the SSHOC workplan, task 2.3 SSHOC web presence covers all activities related to the design, development, roll-out and continuous update of the SSHOC web platform. Evolving the SSHOC web platform ensures a service-oriented approach to the SSHOC marketplace developed in WP7, acting as the main project entry point with a multi-view of the SSH landscape, according to the main research lines of the ERICs involved, namely Art and Humanities, Social Science, Linguistics.
As described in the SSHOC GA, task 2.1 SSHOC cluster communication & dissemination strategy will produce a detailed communication and outreach plan, according to which a coordinated set of actions will be carried out, to ensure coverage of stakeholders and adequate visibility across Europe and beyond as well as a coherent, harmonized and communication following a cluster strategy. As part of this plan, communication objectives will be defined, and a well delineated stakeholder map and analysis will be conducted in collaboration with WP6 (T6.1).
As described in the SSHOC GA, task 2.3 SSHOC web presence will cover all activities related to the design, development, roll-out and continuous update of the SSHOC web presence. An evolved SSHOC web platform will ensure a service-oriented approach to the SSHOC marketplace developed in WP7 and will act as the main project entry point providing a multi-view of the SSH landscape, according to the main research lines of the ERICs involved, namely Art and Humanities, Social Science, Linguistics.
As defined in the SSHOC workplan, task 2.3 SSHOC web presence will cover all activities related to the design, development, roll-out and continuous update of the SSHOC web presence. An evolved SSHOC web platform will ensure a service-oriented approach to the SSHOC marketplace developed in WP7 and will act as the main project entry point providing a multi-view of the SSH landscape, according to the main research lines of the ERICs involved, namely Art and Humanities, Social Science, Linguistics.
As defined in the SSHOC workplan, task 2.3 SSHOC web presence will cover all activities related to the design, development, roll-out and continuous update of the SSHOC web presence. An evolved SSHOC web platform will ensure a service-oriented approach to the SSHOC marketplace developed in WP7 and will act as the main project entry point providing a multi-view of the SSH landscape, according to the main research lines of the ERICs involved, namely Art and Humanities, Social Science, Linguistics.
As defined in the SSHOC workplan, task 2.3 SSHOC web presence will cover all activities related to the design, development, roll-out and continuous update of the SSHOC web presence. An evolved SSHOC web platform will ensure a service-oriented approach to the SSHOC marketplace developed in WP7 and will act as the main project entry point providing a multi-view of the SSH landscape, according to the main research lines of the ERICs involved, namely Art and Humanities, Social Science, Linguistics.
WP3: Lifting Technologies and Services into the SSH Cloud
Task 3.2 Selected SSH Ontologies and Vocabularies in SSHOC Work package 3 Lifting Technologies and Services into the SSH Cloud aimed to foster the use of selected global ontologies in the social sciences and humanities, regarding occupational titles, educational categories, sectors of industry, geographical regions, food items, and religions. These ontologies service the usage of vocabularies for classifying text corpora and predefined response categories to facilitate self-identification in survey questions.
This deliverable is a report on SSHOC metadata and data interoperability problems. It pertains to Task 3.5 under responsibility of CESSDA/FSD. In addition to an inventory of data and metadata interoperability problems, this deliverable includes choices for SSHOC recommended formats and priorities for providing conversion services and planning solutions.
This report delivers a comprehensive overview of data citation methodologies in use within the social sciences and humanities, and lays the groundwork for defining a common citation mechanism designed to render SSH data both findable and actionable.
The European Question Bank (EQB) aims to provide a central search facility across all the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives’ (CESSDA) survey holdings. It uses a question-level metadata schema based on the DDI-Lifecycle standard (DDI Alliance 2020). The ambition is for users to be able to find survey questions, their translations to applicable languages, answer categories, pre- and postquestion texts, and the study title.