Organised as part of the upcoming EOSC-hub, FREYA, SSHOC joint event Realising the European Open Science Cloud, the EOSC Projects EXPO is the first virtual exhibition to showcase EOSC initiatives and projects!
October and November feature an extraordinarily rich offering of information-packed online sessions for the SSH Community. This article highlights just some of the upcoming events inviting registration.
The Science Clusters ENVRI-FAIR, EOSC-LIFE, ESCAPE, PaNOSC, and SSHOC have issued a joint statement urging increased emphasis on making EOSC user centric.
In the early days of the pandemic, the European Commission asked Research Infrastructures and associated projects to describe specific actions towards creating a European data platform for COVID-19. The Response from SSHOC on COVID-19 was tabled on 30 April 2020. This article lays out specific actions taken by SSHOC partners to continue to serve their communities in the context of the Corona virus crisis.
Dataverse is repository software developed by the Institute for Quantitative Social Science of Harvard University to enable researchers to archive and publish research data. SSHOC will adapt this software to the needs of the European SSH research infrastructures.