20 Jun, 00:00 – 24 Jun, 00:00
University of Essex, Park Rd, Colchester CO4 3SQ, UK
COORDINATE Summer School on Longitudinal Analysis of Child and Adolescent Data Featuring Understanding Society: the UK Household Panel Study
The first COORDINATE Summer school will be held on the Colchester Campus of the University of Essex from June 20-24, 2022, as part of the COORDINATE Project. One of the objectives of COORDINATE is to facilitate improved access to existing survey data on child wellbeing and ensure that high quality survey data will inform policies that directly affect children’s lives.
The aim of this summer school is to learn and practice longitudinal data analysis methods using Understanding Society - the UK Household Panel Study taught by experienced researchers from the University of Essex. The summer school is open to any researcher working in EU Member States and Associated Countries. We welcome academic researchers from any stage, PhD students to professors. Attendees will have the opportunity to work with this world renown longitudinal dataset, work on their own research questions and network with others who share similar research interests.
The summer school will feature lectures by survey methodologists and data analysists from the Institute for Social and Economic Research and the Understanding Society team.
Expected Outcomes
Participants will learn about Understanding Society child and adolescent data. They will also learn about analytical methods for analysing panel data. Participants will be able to merge child and parent data, as well as successive waves of data and prepare the data for further analysis.
A total of 30 researchers will be selected based on research experience, overall scientific competence and aptitude and research question. Researcher must work in EU Member States or Associated Countries. Bursaries are available for non-UK researchers (max €1,500 each for 20 researchers). UK researchers may apply but will have to cover their own travel, accommodation and meal costs (max of 10 researchers). Researchers are responsible for organising any visa or travel documents required to enter the UK (see https://www.gov.uk/uk-border-control/before-you-leave-for-the-uk for details).
To apply please send the following information in English, saved as Word (.docx) or .pdf files:
1. Curriculum vita
2. Summary of current child or adolescent research experience (max ½ page)
3. Short description of the research question you will explore using Understanding Society (max ½ page)
Send files to cbooker@essex.ac.uk
Applications must be received by 5pm GMT April 15th. Successful applicants will be informed by April 29th.
Lecturer Biographies:
Dr. Cara Booker is a Research Fellow and Postgraduate Director at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Essex. She received her PhD in Health Behavior Research from the University of Southern California. Cara received multidisciplinary postgraduate training with a focus on epidemiology, biostatistics and public health. Her research interests are risk and protective factors related to adolescent mental health, well-being and health related behaviours, specifically the impacts of digital technology, parental relationship quality and discord and social inequalities.
Dr. Booker’s research has used several large longitudinal datasets including Understanding Society, the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) and its predecessor the British Household Panel Survey. Dr. Booker has used the study extensively since its first data release in 2010 conducting both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. She has published several papers from the Understanding Society youth data and the adult questionnaire. Additionally, she has been involved in the analyses of the UKHLS COVID-19 waves and has published papers on the nurse visit data from waves two and three.
Dr Booker joined the Understanding Societyteam as a member of the training team in 2018 as module leader for the Introduction to Understanding Society in SAS course. She has also taught masters level panel data courses and co-authored Archival and Secondary Data, as part of the SAGE Quantitative Research Kit.
Dr. Edith Aguirre is a Senior Research Officer working as part of the Understanding Societyteam at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex. She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of York, a Master in Economics from Centro de Investigacion y DocenciaEconomicas (CIDE) and a Bachelor in Economics from Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (UANL).
Her academic background is particularly centred around: Applied Econometrics, Labour Economics and Household Economics. She was an Economics and Social Research Council (ESRC)-funded Postdoctoral Research Associate based at the Department of Economics at the University of York. She has also worked in the public and private sector. For the Mexican government in the Tax Administration Service, the Ministry of Economy and the Presidency of the Republic, and in the banking sector for Citigroup. In addition she has also collaborated as an international consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank. Dr. Aguirre joined Understanding Society in November 2020 and since then she has been working on the Pregnancy and Early Childhood (PEACH) project, seeking to improve users’ access to key valuable information on pregnancy and early childhood and boosting opportunities for researchers interested in child development topics to easily engage with UKHLS data.
Dr. Alita Nandi is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex and Associate Director (Outreach) of Understanding Society. She received a Masters and PhD in Economics from the Ohio State University. She joined the Understanding Society team in 2007 and in addition to using it extensively for her research has contributed to its design, user support, training and capacity building activities. She is currently a co-investigator on the project and as Associate Director (Outreach) oversees its capacity building activities.
She is a quantitative social scientist and conducts research primarily in the areas of ethnicity and gender, specifically investigating differences in subjective wellbeing (e.g., life satisfaction, mental health) as well as economic wellbeing (e.g., income, wages, poverty), causes and consequences of harassment and discrimination, formation & measurement of identity and the measurement. She has been the PI and co-I on several projects.
She has extensive experience of using panel data methods and large-scale panel surveys, primarily Understanding Societybut also the British Household Panel Survey, the 1979 & 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. She provides training on Understanding Society and has taught courses on panel data analysis methods. She has also co-authored, A Practical Guide to Using Panel Data, which provides practical guidance for conducting panel data analysis using some of the popular panel datasets of the world.