The Ethnic and Migrant Minorities (EMM) Survey Registry is a free online discovery tool and database that displays detailed information (i.e. metadata) about existing quantitative sample-based surveys conducted with EMM populations in Europe.
Jointly developed by SSHOC, the COST Action 16111 – ETHMIGSURVEYDATA (a network of 200+ EMM researchers across Europe), and a French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)-funded project, FAIRETHMIGQUANT, the EMM Survey Registry promotes the FAIR principles and provides a concrete example of how an interdisciplinary data community can drive the creation of a FAIR-friendly tool for the social sciences using a bottom up, collaborative approach for the benefit of a wide range of stakeholders.
The EMM Survey Registry is intended for use by researchers, policymakers, and other practitioners in their own research and/or policy-related activities. As a model of co-creation it will be of interest to data communities committed to making their data FAIR, to data curation actors looking to partner or connect with data producers or users for whom they can tailor their current data curation services, and to policy-makers working on open research and open data initiatives.