The report covers the organisation, delivery, content, and lessons learned from the SSHOC Final Conference, titled “Advancing SSH Research with SSHOCingly good and sustainable resources”. The hybrid conference took place at Bluepoint premises in Brussels, Belgium, on 6 and 7 April 2022.
Task 6.2 and WP2 lead the organisation of the conference with the support of the project partners in the organising and programme committees.
The aims of the conference were to showcase the project achievements, discuss their impact for the SSH community, build participants’ knowledge on the developed tools and services, and engage with a broad range of SSHOC stakeholders and European research initiatives. The conference programme included four plenary sessions, a policymaking discussion, six parallel sessions, networking and social activities, and an online challenge for users of SSHOC tools and services. The materials and video recordings of the sessions are available online.