This document describes the output of Task 4.1 of the SSHOC (Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud) project funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement N° 823782.
A technical infrastructure called Web Panel Sample Service (WPSS) has been implemented following the specifications published in November 2919 as deliverable 4.11 "A sample management system for cross- national web survey".
This WPSS technical infrastructure is aimed at supporting large-scale, high quality cross-national multi- language web surveys. It provides a centralised management of survey fielding orchestration (publishing surveys, sending survey invites and reminders, fieldwork monitoring), and a decentralised and privacy- compliant handling of panellists’ data.
This document outlines the twofold infrastructure that has been implemented, a Python2 / Django3 web application paired with a Qualtrics survey platform license. WPSS interacts through the API provided by Qualtrics4 to a dedicated and tailored Qualtrics License.
After presenting the user roles involved either in the study coordination, sample management, messages and questionnaire editors and translators, the document presents the platform (WPSS or Qualtrics) each role is granted access to, and the actions available.
Last, the document describes the relations between the 4.2 deliverable and the CRONOS-2 project led by ESS ERIC (funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement ESS-SUSTAIN-2 N°871063); a WPSS instance dedicated to the first use case of the D4.2 "a ready to use sample management system" deliverable, the "Opinion survey for <country>" survey.